• (214) 893-24477
  • Thursday, March 6, 2025
  • Sunrise At: 6:48 AM
  • Sunset At: 6:28 PM
(214) 893-24477

Islamic Scholars

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Imam Musa Azam

Dr. Imam Musa Azam

Islamic Scholar

About Scholar

Dr. Imam Musa Azam Ibrahimi has served as an Imam and Religious leader for the Muslim community in America over the last 33 years. His hunger for knowledge and eagerness to serve the Deen started when he completed his Hifz (memorization of the Quran) at an early age.

He continued on to have the privilege to study and mentor under the esteemed scholars of Ashraful Madaris; Mohi Us Sunnah Mawlana Shah Abrar Ul-Haqq (RA) and Qari Ameer Hasan Sahib (RA). In 2016, he represented Islam and Muslims for peace at the United Nations and has given presentations on Islam to United States government agencies and officials. He is the founding member and board director of several Islamic organizations across North America including; Majlis Dawatul Haqq of America, LUL (Light Upon Light), and IHA (Indiana Horizons Academy).

In addition, he travelled internationally to meet with concerned Muslim leaders to help develop Islamic curriculum through GAIS (Global Association of Islamic Schools) and Interfaith activities through WCMIR (World Council of Muslims For Interfaith Relations). Moreover, Dr. Musa completed his PhD in Comparative Religions at the Graduate Theological Foundation, an affiliate of Oxford University. Thereby, he wrote a thesis titled Media’s Influence and American Muslim’s Response. Currently, he is serving as a community activist and motivational speaker.

He also offers family counseling. He is the Director of Development of an international organization representing imams through NAIF (North American Imams Federation). Besides being a Khateeb and Qadi in the greater Chicagoland area, his passion for Da’wah has led him to campaign across the US for a mega Da’wah center (The Deen Center). He has also served as the Director of Development at Sound Vision Foundation, Justice for All, and Islamic Relief USA. Dr. Musa also owns multiple healthcare practices and he has helped raised millions of dollars for leading humanitarian causes, advocacy groups, Masjids and various Non-for-profit Organizations.

Many may not know that he is among one of the few individuals who has been blessed to travel through the path of hijra (emigration) from Makkah to Medina in nine days. Originally from Hyderabad, India Dr. Imam Musa resides in Northwest Indiana. Muslims across the globe continue to benefit by his wisdom, knowledge and experience through social media.

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